All fine architectural values are human values.
Else not valuable.
Frank Llyoid Wright
In order to achieve the goal of creating a healthy RESIDENTIAL and BUILT ENVIRONMENT, one of the most effective things is through the Building / Construction activities, which are the concrete manifestations / actions of ideas, knowledge and ideals. Yahintara views that actions in real terms are more beneficial than just mere words or ideas. In carrying out this Building activities, Yahintara is guided by 3 aspects, namely: (1) Locality (2) Independence and (3) Mutual Cooperation.
Yahintara always acts based on locality (genius loci), namely the local situation and conditions in which the constructive activities are carried out. Construction materials were sought from the nearest available resources in the area. The construction method also refers to the method of construction which is the expertise of the existing workers. New creations are also introduced for further testing.
All available resources are explored and processed based on community's self-reliance or self-help. Yahintara strives for local society to take initiative, be confident and empowered with the minimum dependence on one particular source with the spirit of "together we can".
The construction process carried out is always directed at activities that involves the local community directly or indirectly, large or small, in whatever form. The ultimate goal is for the community to feel owning the work because they are directly involved in the realization of the project with their own sweat and hands. Therefore the goal of "Architecture for All" can be achieved.
Karangpawitan House
04 Dec 2014 | House of Hope #1 |
Ibu Mariah | Panyingkiran Village Situsaeur Sub-District Karangpawitan District Garut Regency
Rumah Kp. Pasirdomas
06 Jun 2015 | House of Hope #2 |
PPTI x 'Aisyiyah TB Care Garut x Klinik Yasyfa x Co Asst FK Yarsi
Kang Gugun | Pasirdomas Village RT03 RW07 Langensari Sub-District Tarogong Kaler District Garut Regency
Revitalization of Manteos Village
03 Jun 2017 | (-6.8821275, 107.6070562)
Manteos Village Cisitu Babakan Siliwangi Bandung City
Berba91 x Jotun x Arsitektur Hijau x Sosiologi Unpad
Nurdin House
18 Jun 2017 - House of Hope #3
'Aisyiyah TB Care Garut x Klinik Yasyfa
Kang Nurdin | Jl Guntur Kp Bentargirang RT01 RW03 Kel Kota Wetan Kec Garut Kota Kab Garut
PAUD Mawar
29 Dec 2018 | (-7.1985570,107.8934250)
Rotary Club Queenstown Singapura x Rotary Club Kota Kembang Bandung
Jl Terusan Pembangunan, Pataruman Tingkem Village RT01 RW12 Pataruman Sub-District Tarogong Kidul District Garut Regency
Design Competition of TBC Transit House
01 Sep s/d 01 Oct 2019 | Oky Kusprianto Award 2019 | (-6.8695407,107.6040516)
Masagi Koffee x BDB19 x Arjau x Kota Baru Parahyangan x Bodypack x Ladifa x 'Aisyiyah Garut x Yayasan Pena Arsitektur Hijau x Angnga Studio x PPTI x IAI Jawa Barat x Pipih Priyatna Architects x APTA
Groundbreaking Ceremony of Construction of TBC Transit House
23 Nov 2019 | (-7.209453, 107.9073956)
Kp Babakan Pajagalan RT3 RW5 Kel Sukamentri Kec Garut Kota Kab Garut
'Aisyiyah Garut x Muhammadiyah Garut x KEKL Runners x Klinik Yasyfa x PDGI x Klinik Darul Arqam x Klinik Muhammadiyah x CV Muara Karya
Inauguration of TBC Transit Housing
29 Feb 2020 | (-7.209453, 107.9073956)
Babakan Pajagalan Village RT3 RW5 Sukamentri Sub-District Garut City District Garut Regency
'Aisyiyah Garut x KEKL Runners x Wahana Persada Nusantara x Animha Bangun Sentosa x Tema Maket x Bangun Berkat Saudara x Lantekayu x BBKPM Bandung x STPI x Medco Foundation