Yayasan Arsitektur Hijau Nusantara (Yahintara Foundation) or easily called as Yahintara, was officially founded on 29th of March 2012, as an organization that can accomodate the noble intention of its 8 founders to participate in various forms of social community activities related to human built environment.
Yahintara always tries to improve, understand and explore every form of activity of built environment which sustainably developed and inovated, especially try to anticipate the advancement of science and technology with programmatic vocational method internally to make us of every modern-based technology supporting facilities.
For the Improvement
of ONE life
Yahintara tries to understand that the root of existing built environment is a culture needs to be preserved, to study its technology to get information that is useful for the sustainability of human life in a social environment that is established in a comprehensive coordination in the management system, where various supporting disciplines in the field of engineering can be fused, collaboratory and participatory.
This collaborative element has made Yahintara aware of and continues to develop a network of cooperation with its partners to improve the quality of life for the untouched and truly needy people, especially in the fields of architecture and the built environment.
To become a leading organization with activities to improve the quality of the built environment based on partnership, participation and collaboration.
Supporting the government in improving the conditions of the human built environment in an innovative, collaborative and participatory way in accordance with Yahintara's potential and capacity.​
Providing access to advocacy and architectural education, especially for economically weak communities, to improve living conditions and residential environments in accordance with the principles of building and a healthy environment.
Mobilizing support, resources and efforts from various parties to improve human welfare through constructive activities in the field based on accountable, transparent and real onsite management, with community participation and based on local culture.